A lot of people think of massage as a treat, but here at Prana Endura our average customer recognizes that the treatment that they receive here is an essential part of their healthcare. Did you know that there are ways to maximize the impact of your massage? Here’s a few tips to ensure that you’re… Read more »
Stretching and Breathing and Calming, Oh My!
By Caitlin Linscheid Here at Prana Endura we are honoring the governor’s order to shelter in place. While we are not able to provide our usual services we would like to assure our clients that we will be here to empower your wellness in a digital fashion. The Harvard Medical School recently endorsed yoga, meditation,… Read more »
So Are You Open Yet?
Hello folks! I know that a lot of you are very anxious to get back on our tables, and I promise we are just as anxious to get back to work, but we aren’t able to reopen just yet. Currently Butte County is in Phase 2. Massage will not be permitted to re-open until they… Read more »
DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE: Using mindfulness to sit with sensation and control nervous tics
By Caitlin Linscheid How many times have you heard the advice “wash your hands and don’t touch your face” in the last two weeks? How many times has the person delivering that message been actively touching their face? The best advice for avoiding Covid-19 sounds easy enough, but most Americans seem to be discovering… Read more »
We Are Working On Website ADA Compliance!
We recently became aware that some aspects of our website may not be fully accessible to individuals of varying abilities. We believe in full access to massage services for all individuals who are in need of care, and proudly serve a diverse clientele with varying needs. We are working with our web developer to make… Read more »
“How Do you Keep Your Feet So Soft?” – Ashiatsu Foot Care
By Jenni Miller “How Do You Keep Your Feet So Soft?” Ashiatsu students and clients ask me this often, so I’ve decided to share my tricks! Ashiatsu (or barefoot massage) is an incredible modality with a wide range of benefits for both clients and massage practitioners (see my blog article for more on the benefits… Read more »
So… What Does “Prana Endura” Mean?
By Jenni Miller We receive this question a lot from clients. “Prana Endura? What does that mean?” Well, the answer is actually pretty convoluted, because the word and idea of Prana does not necessarily have a literal translation into English. The concept is quite philosophical. There is an old story from the Vedas, a collection… Read more »
Our New “Get a Feel for Feet” Beginning Ashiatsu Workshop
Are you a CMT who has been curious to learn how to massage with your feet? Perhaps you’ve been eyeing taking one of our Ashiatsu courses at Prana Endura but have been hesitant? Try our new introductory workshop and get a feel for feet! This hour and a half workshop offers a chance for CMTs… Read more »
Couples Massage Workshops at Prana Endura
By Jenni Miller For all the couples out there: At Prana Endura Wellness Center, we’ve begun to offer a regular workshop for couples (and pairs of friends) to learn to massage each other with techniques that massage pros use! While this offers an opportunity for individuals to learn how to massage effectively and for… Read more »
CMTs: Benefits of Learning Ashiatsu
When some people hear of Ashiatsu they think of it as a novelty… “Oh, so you walk on people’s backs?” I often have people ask me this, and I have to explain to them that it’s much more complex than that. It truly is massaging people with your feet, and it is an incredibly versatile… Read more »